Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Implementing the full framework as a legal requirement for early childhood education services.
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Consult on He Taonga te Tamaiti: Strategic Plan for Early Learning 2019-2029
Consult on He Taonga te Tamaiti: Strategic Plan for Early Learning 2019-2029
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Publish He Taonga te Tamaiti: Early Learning Action Plan 2019-2029
Publish He Taonga te Tamaiti: Early Learning Action Plan 2019-2029
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
Four Sector Reference Group (SRG) meetings
October 2020 to June 2021
Four Sector Reference Group (SRG) meetings
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Develop a sustained and planned approach
Review of EL PLD (Early Learning Professional Learning and Development)
January to July 2021
Review of EL PLD (Early Learning Professional Learning and Development)
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
Draft Framework for Practice and Progress Tools (P&PT) and Draft Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) P&PT
February 2021
Draft Framework for Practice and Progress Tools (P&PT) and Draft Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) P&PT
P&PT = Practice and Progress Tools (Kōwhiti Whakapae)
SEL = Social and Emotional Learning
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Gazette the curriculum framework
Early engagement (Māori medium/Pacific ELS/other interested stakeholders)
March to May 2021
Early engagement (Māori medium/Pacific ELS/other interested stakeholders)
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
Initial user testing on the SEL P&PT
May to June 2021
Initial user testing on the SEL P&PT
SEL = Social and Emotional Learning
P&PT = Practice and Progress Tools (Kōwhiti Whakapae)
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
Develop a draft oral language and literacy P&PT (supported by Te Kōrerorero)
June 2021 to June 2022
Develop a draft oral language and literacy P&PT (supported by Te Kōrerorero)
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
Wider PLD supported trial of framework for all P&PTs and draft content for SEL P&PT
August 2021 to June 2022
Wider PLD supported trial of framework for all P&PTs and draft content for SEL P&PT
SEL = Social and Emotional Learning
P&PT = Practice and Progress Tools (Kōwhiti Whakapae)
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Develop a sustained and planned approach
SELO PLD panel renewed
Mid 2022
SELO PLD panel renewed
SEL = Social and Emotional Learning
P&PT = Practice and Progress Tools (Kōwhiti Whakapae)
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Gazette the curriculum framework
Cabinet approval on Gazette notice
July 2022
Cabinet approval to consult on Gazette notice
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Gazette the curriculum framework
Public consultation on expanding the gazetted framework for Te Whāriki
July to August 2022
Public consultation on expanding the gazetted framework for Te Whāriki
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Gazette the curriculum framework
Resources and guidance to support gazetted curriculum framework
November 2022 to May 2023
Resources and guidance to support gazetted curriculum framework
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
Begin work to develop a draft mathematics P&PT and associated mathematics resources
January to July 2023
Begin work to develop a draft mathematics P&PT and associated mathematics resources
P&PT = Practice and Progress Tools (Kōwhiti Whakapae)
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Gazette the curriculum framework
NZ Gazette Notice published
February 2023
NZ Gazette Notice published
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Gazette the curriculum framework
Start of coaching pedagogical leaders in early learning initiative
May 2023
Start of coaching pedagogical leaders in early learning initiative
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Gazette the curriculum framework
Launch resources for Māori-medium early learning services
July 2023
Launch resources for Māori-medium early learning services
Launch digital resources for Māori-medium early learning services to support the gazetted te ao Māori interpretations of Te Whāriki
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
Launch of SEL P&PT
September 2023
Launch of SEL P&PT
SEL = Social and Emotional Learning
P&PT = Practice and Progress Tools (Kōwhiti Whakapae)
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
Trials of draft P&PTs and finalise P&PTs
April 2024
Draft oral language and literacy P&PT and maths P&PT and finalise P&PTs
Wider PLD-supported trial of draft mathematics P&PT
PLD = Professional Learning and Development
P&PT = Practice and Progress Tools (Kōwhiti Whakapae)
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Gazette the curriculum framework
Using full framework of Te Whāriki becomes a legal requirement
May 2024
Using full framework of Te Whāriki becomes a legal requirement
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
Launch of oral language & literacy P&PT and mathematics P&PT
June 2024
Launch of oral language & literacy P&PT and mathematics P&PT
Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
Review P&PT and identify next steps
Review P&PT and identify next steps
P&PT = Practice and Progress Tools (Kōwhiti Whakapae)
How to use these interactive timelines
Click on the timeline you want to consult from the homepage cards or top menu. You will access the following interface.