Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
January to July 2023

Begin work to develop a draft mathematics P&PT and associated mathematics resources


P&PT = Practice and Progress Tools (Kōwhiti Whakapae) 

Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Gazette the curriculum framework
February 2023

NZ Gazette Notice published

Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Gazette the curriculum framework
May 2023

Start of coaching pedagogical leaders in early learning initiative

Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Gazette the curriculum framework
July 2023

Launch resources for Māori-medium early learning services

Launch digital resources for Māori-medium early learning services to support the gazetted te ao Māori interpretations of Te Whāriki 

Supporting the Implementation of Te Whāriki
Construct a range of tools
September 2023

Launch of SEL P&PT 


SEL = Social and Emotional Learning

P&PT = Practice and Progress Tools (Kōwhiti Whakapae)